Aobayama Living Lab was featured in various media.

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2 students have joined the Hirata-Weng-Salazar laboratory / Tamura laboratory from December! We will keep advancing our research with new members.

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Liao(Doctor 3rd year student) presented their researches at IROS 2021. The conference was held from 27th in September to 1st in October 2021. Authors and titles of the presentation is : Zhenyu Liao, Jose Victorio Salazar Luces and Yasuhisa Hirata, “Robotic Guidance System for Visually Impaired Users Running Outdoors Using Haptic Feedback,” 2021 IEEE/RSJ International […]

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Received “Robotics Symposia Excellent Research and Technology Award”!

Jyunya Terayama was awarded “Robotics Symposia Excellent Research and Technology Award”! The contents of the award are below, Award name : Robotics Symposia Excellent Research and Technology AwardAward winner : Jyunya TerayamaAwarded date : 2021.9.9Awarding organization : The Robotics Society of JapanResearch name :Underactuated robotic hand for dishes based on grasp stability analysis

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RSJ 2021

Students in our laboratory presented their research at the 39th annual conference of the Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ 2021, online) . The conference was held from 8th to 11th in September 2021. Authors and title of the presentations are: Zhenyu Liao, Jose Salazar, Yasuhisa Hirata, “Outdoors Sports Guiding Using Haptic Feedback”, RSJ2021, 2A1-03, 2021 […]

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Specially Appointed Lecturer Ravankar Ankit was awarded “SICE(The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers) Best Paper Award”!

Specially Appointed Lecturer Ravankar Ankit was awarded “SICE(The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers) Best Paper Award”!The contents of the award are below, Award name : SICE Best Paper AwardAward winner : Ravankar A. AnkitAwarded date : 2021.9.9Awarding organization : The Society of Instrument and Control EngineersResearch name : Line Segment Extraction and Polyline Mapping […]

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Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2021 Japan (MECJ-21)

Master 2nd year student Kengkij and Kondo, and Master 1st year student Hori presented their research at Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2021 Japan (MECJ-21, online) . The conference was held from 5th to 8th in September 2021. Authors and titles of the presentations are: プロムスティポン ケンキト,サラザル ホセ,ヘルトベルグ コエン,平田 泰久,”使用者の速度に応じて自動制御されるトレッドミルを用いた没入型歩行訓練システム”,日本機械学会 2021年度年次大会,J151-03,2021 近藤宏和,サラザル ホセ,平田泰久,”小型カメラを有するロボットハンドを用いた衣類の摘み滑り動作”,日本機械学会 2021年度年次大会,S152-03,2021 堀航輔,サラザル ホセ,平田泰久,水谷 行人,東 […]

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We made 8 presentations from our laboratory at ROBOMECH2021. The conference was held from 6th to 8th in June 2021. Authors and titles of the presentations are: チンキンコウ,チョウユクアン,近藤宏和,シュエジュンユアン,サラザルホセ,平田泰久,”双腕マニピュレータを用いた衣類ハンドリング ―第一報:衣類把持のためのロボットハンド開発―”,日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2021,1A1-A02,2021 渡会穂玖斗,サラザルホセ,平田泰久,”独立無線型振動デバイスを用いたカスタマイズ可能な振動触覚フィードバック ―カスタマイズツールによる振幅変調および振動刺激生成における有用性の検証―”,日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2021,1A1-H09,2021 羽澤悠平,サラザルホセ,平田泰久,”曳航索のたるみ回避を目的とした曳航式ロボットの旋回制御”,日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2021,1P1-B13,2021 董宗昊,平田泰久,”骨盤回旋支援を実現する体重免荷型歩行訓練ロボットの開発”,日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2021,1P1-F09,2021 千原竣也,サラザルホセ,平田泰久,”ワイヤ牽引システムと非駆動型ロボットを用いた広域探査システム”,日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2021,1P2-F08,2021 岡本章良, 田村雄介,平田泰久,”パーソナルモビリティの操作支援における負担軽減と効率性の両立”,日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2021,1P3-H12,2021 草島健人,サラザルホセ,平田泰久,”磁石組み込み型ホイールを用いた街灯検査ロボットの開発”,日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2021,2P2-A17,2021 山本晃平,サラザルホセ,平田泰久,”連続繊維複合材を用いた 3D プリンタのヘッド経路計画”,日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2021,2P3-A10,2021

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Doctor 1st year student Dong presented his research at ICRA2021(Online). The conference was held from 30th in May to 5th in June 2021. Authors and title of the presentation is: Zonghao Dong, Jose Victorio Salazar Luces and Yasuhisa Hirata, “Control and Evaluation of Body Weight Support Walker for Overground Gait Training.”, IEEE Robotics and Automation […]

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9 students have joined the Hirata-Weng-Salazar laboratory as a new member from this April!In addition, Specially Appointed Assistant Prof. Tafrishi Seyed and Academic Fellow Ravankar Ankit started his new position in our lab.Also, as the Academic Fellow, Ms. Seto and as the Assistant Technical Staff, Ms. Sato have joined our lab from January.

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The web site of “Adaptable AI-enabled Robots to Create a Vibrant Society,” a R&D Project under Moonshot Goal 3, is now open.

The web site of “Adaptable AI-enabled Robots to Create a Vibrant Society,” a R&D Project under Moonshot Goal 3, for which Professor Yasuhisa Hirata of our laboratory is the project manager, is now open. R&D Project “Adaptable AI-enabled Robots to Create a Vibrant Society”

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The commencement ceremony scheduled for March 25, 2021 (Thu.) has been canceled due to COVID-19. For this reason, we have awarded diplomas to the graduating class in our laboratory. Congratulations on your graduation, and good luck to you!

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Doctor 1st year student Dong presented his research at SII2021(Online). The conference was held from 11th to 14th in January 2021. Authors and title of the presentation is:Zonghao Dong, Jose Victorio Salazar Luces and Yasuhisa Hirata, “Development of Walking Assist Robot with Body Weight Support Mechanism”, 2021 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integrations (SII), Iwaki, […]

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Master 2nd year students Ishida and Yamaguchi presented their researches at SI2020. The conference was held from 16th to 19th in December 2019. Authors and titles of the presentations are: 石田佳奈子、サラザル・ホセ、平田泰久,”団体競技のコーチングを目的としたウェアラブル振動触覚デバイスの制御 -第2報:走行中の人を目的の場所に停止させるための適切な振動タイミングの推定―”,第21回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会,1D1-06,2020 山口修平、平田泰久,”買い物支援カートの取り付けを考慮した足こぎ車椅子の操舵アシスト制御”,第21回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会,2D1-11,2020

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Prof. Yasuhisa Hirata has been selected as a project manager of “Moonshot Research and Development Program

Prof. Yasuhisa Hirata has been selected as a project manager of “Moonshot Research and Development Program”.For more information, please see below.  Adoption :The Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)Moonshot Goal 3 :Realization of AI robots that autonomously learn, adapt to their environment, evolve in intelligence and act alongside human beings, by 2050.R&D project :A New Lifestyle Alongside […]

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